In this blog post, I am going to re-implement Kedro in 50 lines of code. I will implement the core components of Kedro such as ConfigLoader
, DataCatalog
in a minimalistic way. I will breakdown the process into multiple small steps. In each step I will introduce some code change, and introduce a Kedro concept there. By the end of the blog post, you will have an overview of how Kedro works internally.
How to save or load data with Kedro?
DataCatalog is the first concept that you learnt in Kedro. Although it is important, users actually never have to interact with it, at least not directly. This post will explain the concept with a minimal example that how user should save or load data with Kedro.
Kedro with Databricks Assets Bundle
Using Kedro with Databricks Assets Bundle
Enhancing Debugging experience with Jupyter Magic
Jupyter Notebook has been thed default tooling for many. Despite many people trying to get rid of it, it integrates even more deeply with the data ecosystem and it is going to stay. By introducing a Jupyter magig command, the debugging experience has been improve and lower the barrier without learning how to use a debugger.
Full Stack Deep Learning Notes - Lecture 03 - Recurrent Neural Network
Lecture & Lab notes - This lecture is about Recurrent Neural Network. Key concetps included input gate, forget gate, cell state, and output gate. It also explains how attention mechanism works for a encoder-decoder based architecture.
Microsoft Azure - DP100
This note helps you to prepare the Azure Assoicate Data Scientist DP-100 exam. I took DP100 in Mar 2021 and includes some important notes for study. Particularly, syntax types questions are very common. You need to study the lab and make sure you understand and remember some syntax to pass this exam.