Full Stack Deep Learning Notes - Lecture 03 - Recurrent Neural Network

Lecture & Lab notes - This lecture is about Recurrent Neural Network. Key concetps included input gate, forget gate, cell state, and output gate. It also explains how attention mechanism works for a encoder-decoder based architecture.



April 16, 2021


Reference: https://colah.github.io/posts/2015-08-Understanding-LSTMs/

The diagrams are from Chris Colah’s blog.


forget Forget Gate - Control the magnitude of cell state should be kept. Sigmoid range from (0 to 1). If 0, it means we should throw away the state cell, if 1 we keep everything. input * Input Gate - Control what relevant information can be added from the current step. It takes hidden step from last step and the current input into consideration. output * Output Gate - finalize the next hidden state

# Google Neurl Machine Translation (GNMT)

It more or less follow the attention mechanism described here.



1.If you take the dot product of 1 encoder vector (at t_i) and decoder, you get a scalar. (Alignment Score) (1,h) * (h,1) -> (1,1) 2. If encoder have 5 time_step, repeat the above steps -> You get a vector with length of 5 (A vector of Alignment Scores) (5,h) (h,1) -> (5,1) 3. Take softmax of the alignments scores -> (attention weights which sum to 1) (5,1) 4. Take dot product of encoders state with attention weights (h, 5) (5, 1) -> (h, 1), where h stands for dimension of hidden state. The result is a “Context Vector” context