
core module of kedro_viz_lite, run_viz_lite.
╭───────────────────── Traceback (most recent call last) ──────────────────────╮
│ in <module>:3                                                                │
NameError: name 'prepare_dag_json' is not defined



 run_viz_lite (load_file, port=None, host=None)

Line magic function to start kedro viz. It calls a kedro viz in a process and displays it in the Jupyter notebook environment.

Args: port: TCP port that viz will listen to. Defaults to 4141. local_ns: Local namespace with local variables of the scope where the line magic is invoked. This argument must be in the signature, even though it is not used. This is because the Kedro IPython extension registers line magics with needs_local_scope.