
Run kedro-viz in a notebook without a full Kedro Project.

This file will become your README and also the index of your documentation.


pip install kedro_viz_lite


Feature: - Visualise the Pipeline without a full Kedro project (Only Pipeline is needed!) - A notebook %magic that you can use to fire up kedro-viz without a full kedro project. (in development)

Why is this useful?

Sometimes you just want to quickly verify your pipeline is constructed correctly without weird disconnected edges. This plugin offer two lightweight solutions.

How does it work?

Kedro viz support a --load-json version. As long as the JSON is created correctly. Kedro-viz can plot the DAG.


My motivation is simple, I was writing this blog post explaining how namespace works in Kedro, and I found that I have to repeatly copy stuff from notebook to a dummy project just for the visualisation. Wouldn’t it be great if there is something handy?