Attempt to shrink Pandas `dtypes` without losing data so you have more RAM (and maybe more speed)

This file will become your README and also the index of your documentation.


pip install dtype_diet

How to use

This is a fork of to continue supoprt and develop the library with approval from the original author @ianozsvald.

This tool checks each column to see if larger dtypes (e.g. 8 byte float64 and int64) could be shrunk to smaller dtypes without causing any data loss. Dropping an 8 byte type to a 4 (or 2 or 1 byte) type will keep halving the RAM requirement for that column. Categoricals are proposed for object columns which can bring significant speed and RAM benefits.

Here's an minimal example with 3 lines of code running on a Kaggle dataset showing a reduction of 957 -> 85MB, you can find the notebook in the repository:

# Source data:
import pandas as pd
from dtype_diet import report_on_dataframe, optimize_dtypes
df = pd.read_csv('data/sell_prices.csv')
proposed_df = report_on_dataframe(df, unit="MB")
new_df = optimize_dtypes(df, proposed_df)
print(f'Original df memory: {df.memory_usage(deep=True).sum()/1024/1024} MB')
print(f'Propsed df memory: {new_df.memory_usage(deep=True).sum()/1024/1024} MB')
Original df memory: 957.5197134017944 MB
Propsed df memory: 85.09655094146729 MB
Current dtype Proposed dtype Current Memory (MB) Proposed Memory (MB) Ram Usage Improvement (MB) Ram Usage Improvement (%)
store_id object category 203763.920410 3340.907715 200423.012695 98.360403
item_id object category 233039.977539 6824.677734 226215.299805 97.071456
wm_yr_wk int64 int16 26723.191406 6680.844727 20042.346680 74.999825
sell_price float64 None 26723.191406 NaN NaN NaN


  • Run report_on_dataframe(your_df) to get recommendations
  • Run optimize_dtypes(df, proposed_df) to convert to recommeded dtypes.
  • Consider if Categoricals will save you RAM (see Caveats below)
  • Consider if f32 or f16 will be useful (see Caveats - f32 is probably a reasonable choice unless you have huge ranges of floats)
  • Consider if int32, int16, int8 will be useful (see Caveats - overflow may be an issue)
  • Look at which recommends Pandas nullable dtype alternatives (e.g. to avoid promoting an int64 with NaN items to float64, instead you get Int64 with NaNs and no data loss)
  • Look at Extension arrays like (thanks @repererum for the tweet)

Look at report_on_dataframe(your_df) to get a printed report - no changes are made to your dataframe.


  • reduced numeric ranges might lead to overflow (TODO document)
  • category dtype can have unexpected effects e.g. need for observed=True in groupby (TODO document)
  • f16 is likely to be simulated on modern hardware so calculations will be 2-3* slower than on f32 or f64
  • we could do with a link that explains binary representation of float & int for those wanting to learn more



Local Setup

$ conda create -n dtype_diet python=3.8 pandas jupyter pyarrow pytest
$ conda activate dtype_diet


make release


The repository is developed with nbdev, a system for developing library with notebook.

Make sure you run this if you want to contribute to the library. For details, please refer to nbdev documentation (


Some other useful commands
